I Found a HUGE Gold Diamond Class Ring Underwater (Try not to cry at owner's reaction)

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Published at : September 15, 2021

I Found a HUGE Gold Diamond Class Ring Underwater (Try not to cry at owner's reaction). While scuba diving in a Texas lake, I found a lot of valuable treasure beneath a popular party boat spot. The real reason I was there was in hopes to find Doug's lost gold Texas Tech class ring that had his great grandmother's diamonds in it. SPOILER: I found it, and A LOT of other big treasures! But I was kind of a jerk and kept Doug in suspense before the big reveal. His reaction is priceless. Enjoy!

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***Buy the handheld metal detector I used in this video HERE***

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Email: manplusriver@gmail.com

Want to send me something?

Dallas Rowley
P.O. Box #312105
New Braunfels, TX 78131

About Man + River:
Hey my name is Dallas! I’m a Free diver, Scuba Diver and Treasure hunter. Welcome to my channel Man + River, where I take you along on my lost river and lake treasure hunting adventures! Hit the subscribe button to join me on my next dive!

#texastech, #manplusriver, #rivertreasure I Found a HUGE Gold Diamond Class Ring Underwater (Try not to cry at owner's reaction)
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