Thor's Hammers! REAL Viking Jewellery for the Stylish Avenger!

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Published at : September 11, 2021

Thor's hammer, or Mjolnir to its friends, has become a world famous modern Hollywood icon thanks to the Avengers movies (and hunky Hemsworth), but it's been a popular accessory and religious icon for well over a thousand years!
Made from all sorts of materials and in all kinds of shapes and sizes, these swanky little pre-Christian Norse pendants are a really common find in Viking age archaeology all over northern Europe. They're everywhere the Vikings went!

Join me as we take a quick look at some of the bewildering array of these stylish pieces of Germanic and Scandinavian jewellery, check out what types we have, what metals and other things they're made of, and hopefully give you guys a few ideas for your own reenactment impression, or if you're neopagan or heathen and just want your accessories to reflect the early medieval archaeology :)

Or just for daily wear. They look super cool.

Also yes, the Anglo-Saxons had them.

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EH3 1JL Thor's Hammers! REAL Viking Jewellery for the Stylish Avenger!
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