8/14/21 - The Truth Is Sometimes Impure But The Evidence Is Clear, Pure Is NOT For Sale - No BS Upd8
Published at : October 01, 2021
Hello Fellow YouTube Family and Friends!
This platform more than any has been one of my most favorite platforms to learn from and so I choose to share what I can here to hopefully help others learn from my own experiences. In general, I've made a lot of mistakes along the way. In reality, those were instances of perfection through Divine Design.
When we are brought into one another's lives, it is not by coincidence. It is by design. We know this when we take pause and listen to the lessons learned along the way. Some of us are slower learners than others is all it amounts to, and even then... It is all just repeated instances of perfection. Divine Design.
While I work through a family situation in which the ONLY solution I can dream of to save me from my daymare would be a windfall of teamwork to help bring about a complete restoration of my father's house and vehicles, please enjoy the clips I capture and upload for your viewing pleasure.
Wellness and Conservation... My primary focus... My nightmares and daymares are the same as anyone else's. The unpredictable, the dangerous and the unavoidable. May we all work together through these shared experiences in meaningful and productive ways.
In many cases the remaining element between freedom and captivity is fear. Learn to think and act without fear by reinforcing in your mind that you are not under constant attack, especially while learning insights with one another even if the insights are about being attacked physically or mentally.
Speaking of, health is wealth, right? So what is health? Mental or physical? How about Spiritual? I used to listen to a show on one station where "Tara Marie Segundo" (find her on YT!) talked about all three being the tripod that kept us afloat through it all. She is not wrong! You are not wrong to feel it, balance or imbalance.
Are you still reading? Thanks for checking out my posts! Look to the past ones of course but please stay tuned and subscribe for the upcoming future episodes talking us through this shared daymare in ways that are actionable and preferable to the alternative!
I wonder at times if miracles are possible and then over and over I see miracles happen in my own life and in that of others.They are always possimpable! Please help me bring one to someone in my family, my father, if you are moved to help me do so. You can find me on Patreon and PayPal as well, thanks for watching and feel free to email me at rey@mothernatureframed.com!
This platform more than any has been one of my most favorite platforms to learn from and so I choose to share what I can here to hopefully help others learn from my own experiences. In general, I've made a lot of mistakes along the way. In reality, those were instances of perfection through Divine Design.
When we are brought into one another's lives, it is not by coincidence. It is by design. We know this when we take pause and listen to the lessons learned along the way. Some of us are slower learners than others is all it amounts to, and even then... It is all just repeated instances of perfection. Divine Design.
While I work through a family situation in which the ONLY solution I can dream of to save me from my daymare would be a windfall of teamwork to help bring about a complete restoration of my father's house and vehicles, please enjoy the clips I capture and upload for your viewing pleasure.
Wellness and Conservation... My primary focus... My nightmares and daymares are the same as anyone else's. The unpredictable, the dangerous and the unavoidable. May we all work together through these shared experiences in meaningful and productive ways.
In many cases the remaining element between freedom and captivity is fear. Learn to think and act without fear by reinforcing in your mind that you are not under constant attack, especially while learning insights with one another even if the insights are about being attacked physically or mentally.
Speaking of, health is wealth, right? So what is health? Mental or physical? How about Spiritual? I used to listen to a show on one station where "Tara Marie Segundo" (find her on YT!) talked about all three being the tripod that kept us afloat through it all. She is not wrong! You are not wrong to feel it, balance or imbalance.
Are you still reading? Thanks for checking out my posts! Look to the past ones of course but please stay tuned and subscribe for the upcoming future episodes talking us through this shared daymare in ways that are actionable and preferable to the alternative!
I wonder at times if miracles are possible and then over and over I see miracles happen in my own life and in that of others.They are always possimpable! Please help me bring one to someone in my family, my father, if you are moved to help me do so. You can find me on Patreon and PayPal as well, thanks for watching and feel free to email me at rey@mothernatureframed.com!

GodGratitudeThe Universe

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