Amazing Telugu Food | Non Veg Pickles | Ravi Padmaja | Fia Home Foods | Street Byte | Silly Monks

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Published at : October 31, 2021

Today I and my Family Enjoyed FIA Home Foods Products and every item was super delicious and felt like I am eating what my grandmother, my mother prepared for me.
Thank you, FIA 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌹🌹🙏🏼🙏🏼

Even you can place an order for your favourite Podis, Non-Veg and Veg Pickles, Khara, Sweets and get the goodness of delicious food delivered right at your doorstep wherever you are. So many wonderful moms come together to make tasty food at FIA home foods only for us. So, do not miss it.
Get the goodness of delicious food delivered right at your doorstep.

Beautiful Packing with 3 layer packaging and no leakage.

Order now from the website link below!

You can also place your orders by reaching them on WhatsApp at 9390377114

#StreetByte #FIAHomeFoods

Street Byte is a food channel with the Mantra - E^3 (E cube) - Explore. Eat. Enjoy! Explore new places. Eat exciting food. And enjoy the bliss! Street Byte was started as a passion that slowly and gradually turned into a profession. We aim to showcase the food that we enjoy and in turn, hope you enjoy it as well!

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