RV Life: San Diego Navy Ship Tour

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Published at : October 20, 2021

RV Life: San Diego Navy Ship Tour: Tour the USS Midway with a Veteran! Phil was stationed onboard the USS Midway for 3 years. Hang out with us as Phil gives you a tour of the USS Midway Museum in San Diego. He has a few behind the scenes Navy stories for you as well as some USS Midway history. The Midway was Phil's first ship and where he grew up! You don't want to miss this US Navy aircraft carrier tour! We also take you to the world famous Balboa Park in San Diego! You do not want to miss either of these locations when you visit San Diego, CA!

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🔹 Find out more about our Someday Insiders Here: https://todayissomeday.net/insider-program

🔹 Walk down memory lane at RTC and NTC (Liberty Station) https://youtu.be/n5ciWo8deFw
🔹 How Phil keeps Ruby clean: https://todayissomeday.net/gear-keep-that-rv-clean

❤️ ❤️ Channels Mentioned
🔹 Changing Lanes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2o84Ea1Z-HiiYlbBbKkVqw

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❤️ ❤️ RED Fridays: In 2005, military supporters across America started wearing RED on Fridays to show support for the service members who protect our freedoms and way of life worldwide. More specifically, it is for service members deployed as RED stands for "Remember Everyone Deployed."

🔹 MUSIC FOR THIS VIDEO: Musicbed & Epidemic Sound

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You, Me & the RV
You me and the RV RV Life: San Diego Navy Ship Tour
RV Life: San Diego Navy Ship Tourtour midway with veteranbalboa park san diego california