DNA Matches: How To Figure Out Father's Side Using Mother's DNA

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Published at : November 03, 2021

Are you trying to figure out how to use DNA to figure out your father's family line from your mother's genetic genealogy? This video can help you understand your DNA results.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Assumptions for this question
1:04 Identify DNA matches who don't match the mother
2:35 Group DNA matches into clusters
3:32 Identify common ancestors of cluster
4:17 Descendancy Research
5:41 Create a bio-dad timeline

👀 Watch Next:
Descendancy Research on FamilySearch https://youtu.be/o-ewUJYua0E

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↪️ FREE DNA Guide: Answers to the 5 Most Common DNA Questions https://www.subscribepage.com/5dnaquestions

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#DNAResults #geneticgenealogy #genealogy DNA Matches: How To Figure Out Father's Side Using Mother's DNA
Discover the steps to find your biological father using DNA matcheshow to find biological father through DNAthe search for biological family