Govt says agreement reached with TLP, details to be unveiled at 'appropriate time'|| DESI TV USA||

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Published at : November 08, 2021

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The government's negotiating team announced on Sunday that it has reached an agreement with the proscribed Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) but did not divulge any further details, with Mufti Muneebur Rehman saying the specifics will come to light at an "appropriate time".

The agreement comes after almost two weeks of clashes that left at least seven policemen dead and scores injured on both sides.

The proscribed group began the march, calling for the release of its incarcerated leader, Saad Rizvi, and the expulsion of France's ambassador over the publication of caricatures depicting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a French satirical magazine.

The situation in Wazirabad, where the TLP marchers have camped out, remains unchanged at the moment, with blockades of roads and cellular services continuing. The protesters have started packing up their belongings, but have been told not to move until they are given the green light by the TLP's leadership in Islamabad, according to our correspondent in Gujranwala.

Sajid Saifi, a TLP spokesman, told Reuters that supporters were ready to pack up but were awaiting instructions from the party's leadership. He said he hoped TLP leader Saad Rizvi and all the activists arrested in recent days would be released soon.

Sunday's announcement was made at a press conference held in Islamabad featuring Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, MNA Ali Mohammad Khan, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman as well as TLP members Mufti Ghulam Abbas Faizi and Mufti Mohammad Ameer.

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