SAGITTARIUS ♐️ 11/23 #1136 Follow Your Heart, You Are Being Given the Answers! #numerology #tarot

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Published at : November 29, 2021

Weekly Numerology Report.

For the Sign of Sagittarius ♐️!

A world created So perfectly in heaven as it is on earth. We have order here on earth, and we have order in heaven; it starts with the foundations of astrology, and it goes through with guidance to make the right decisions with the assistance from the higher power with numerology! After watching this video you will begin to see the number 1136 everywhere you go it could be on license plates, it could be the time, it could be on some thing you purchase; wherever you see numbers it will catch your attention and the more you tune in, the more you receive! Walking with the higher power you can never go wrong, in the kingdom all things are great!

#marlanastoddard #sagittarius

Instagram:: Marlana Stoddard

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Numerology video

Our Existence! The Most beautifulest, most beneficial, most Life Changing, most understanding of your existence video you will ever watch

#numerology #hairysituationsmarlana #marlanastoddard #Truth #astrology #spirit #sagittarius #numbers #Lifedontexistwithoutnumbers #keystolife #answers #love #Angels #HigherPower #Alpha #Omega #Beginning #End #subscribe #1136 #phonenumbers #mailboxes #Angels #Earthangels #believeitbaby #askandyoushallreceive #knock

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sagittarius numerology 1136communication and conversation with your Higher Powerthere is a major connection in your life that your concerned of