Watercolour Advent Calendar Day 14

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Published at : December 21, 2021

Watercolour Advent Calendar Day 14

Welcome along to the fourteenth day of our Advent Calendar, you can find the previous day’s tutorial in this Advent playlist if you missed it yesterday.

It's not too late to buy your digital calendar download! https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1095065616/digital-download-watercolour-advent?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1

Every day we will open a new door at 9am to find out what we’re painting. You can check the episode notes to know what colours we’re using.

The paper is a textured hot pressed 300gsm paper A4 size. Each square is approximately 5x4cm

Brushes: Pointed round size 4,2,0,3/0,4/0 - https://bit.ly/2WFKFYQ

You will need a pencil and a rubber

Burnt Sienna
French Ultramarine Blue
Sap Green
Payne Grey
Yellow Ochre

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