Titleist Tips: Towel Drill for Solid Contact
Published at : January 26, 2022
To be a good ball striker you need three basic things. In order of priority, you need to hit the ball solid, you need to hit it straight and you need to hit it far. One of the key ingredients to hitting solid iron shots is making contact with the ball first, then the turf. This ball-first contact is what allows you to catch the ball cleanly and put the center of the club face, the sweet spot, on the golf ball. But as anyone who has ever chunked or thinned an iron shot can tell you, hitting the ball and THEN taking a divot is much harder than it looks.
To find out how to make this skill easier to acquire, we reached out to Titleist staff member Tom Patri. In this video, he shares a simple drill that you can use every time you practice your iron game. Tom's towel drill will give you instant feedback as you learn to move into your lead side, lean the club shaft forward and strike down through impact with authority. You'll see immediate results as your iron shot take of with more speed and a piercing, consistent trajectory
For more tips and drills from Tom and other Titleist Staff Members, visit Titleist Instruction: https://bit.ly/2W4QkIR
To find out how to make this skill easier to acquire, we reached out to Titleist staff member Tom Patri. In this video, he shares a simple drill that you can use every time you practice your iron game. Tom's towel drill will give you instant feedback as you learn to move into your lead side, lean the club shaft forward and strike down through impact with authority. You'll see immediate results as your iron shot take of with more speed and a piercing, consistent trajectory
For more tips and drills from Tom and other Titleist Staff Members, visit Titleist Instruction: https://bit.ly/2W4QkIR

TitleistTeam TitleistTom Patri