I Bought the Cheapest Ferrari 458 EVER (first under six-figures?) with a TERRIBLE HISTORY
Published at : March 29, 2022
A big thanks to JL007 photography for selling me the 458, check out his video with me and the Plaid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1JtX80DoiY and video Bob for staining my seats, probably revenge for roasting his fleet in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxrcOYZSo0
New Hoovie's Garage $5 keychains and Diablo autographed photos! https://hooviesgarage.com/products/hoovies-garage-countach-logo-tee
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New Hoovie's Garage $5 keychains and Diablo autographed photos! https://hooviesgarage.com/products/hoovies-garage-countach-logo-tee
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