Joe Biden more worried about the ‘wrath of Greta Thunberg’ than Putin

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Published at : March 16, 2022

US President Joe Biden had it “wrong from the beginning” on energy policy, according to host of The Megyn Kelly Show, Megyn Kelly.

Mr Biden announced a ban on US imports of Russian oil on Tuesday, in an effort to further cut off revenue to Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.

Ms Kelly dismissed the move as a “teaspoon in the ocean, and symbolic at best”.

“It’s not going to do anything to really change what we’re looking at right here,” Ms Kelly said.

“Right now, we are dependent on fossil fuels and that’s the reality and it’s going to take fossil fuels to get us through this crisis and over to the other side.

“And then we’re going to have to get really serious about internally looking at our energy supply.

“Biden has had it wrong from the beginning on energy. He was more worried about the wrath of Greta Thunberg than Vladimir Putin.” Joe Biden more worried about the ‘wrath of Greta Thunberg’ than Putin